Welcome to the website of Dr. Fenglin Chen, an expert in obstetrics and gynecology. Let us navigate your health journey together.

We are committed to providing the most caring obstetric and gynecological services to every patient, working with you to create a healthy and bright future.

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Dr. Fenglin Chen
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Deep Care, Superior Service: Co-Creating a Bright Future.

We are committed to providing the highest quality obstetric and gynecological services to each and every patient. Whether you are facing infertility, recurrent miscarriage, minimally invasive gynecology, or gentle obstetrics, we will wholeheartedly offer personalized treatment plans and attentive care. Let us navigate your obstetric and gynecological health journey together, creating a healthy and happy future for you.

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Obtained international patent certification

Having a little-known legendary life experience

Diverse values ​​of medical humanities services

Media attention and widespread coverage

Caring for women’s physical and mental health

Leader in Medical Field – Dr. Chen Fenglin

Dr. Fenglin Chen has dedicated over 30 years to clinical and research work in obstetrics and gynecology, reproductive medicine, and endoscopic surgery. In 2003, he founded Beijing Antai Hospital, pioneering the concept of medical commitment. With 8 international patented technologies and over 60 innovative techniques, Dr. Chen is at the forefront of infertility treatment, minimally invasive gynecology, and water birth practices globally.

Infertility successfulcase

Treatment of miscarriages through signed contracts.

Patients with recurrent miscarriages are not unwilling to give birth, but unable to. I possess patents for the diagnosis and treatment of recurrent miscarriages in China, the United States, and the European Union. I am willing to help patients with recurrent miscarriages realize their dream of parenthood, while addressing declining birth rates and aging. A full refund will be given if a miscarriage occurs after treatment.

Relevant reports and patent technology of the diagnosis and treatment of Miscarriage.

Dr. Fenglin Chen has obtained 7 international patents for the diagnosis and treatment of miscarriage. We have been awarded not only the Second Prize of Beijing Science and Technology Progress, but also the First Prize of Beijing Health Bureau Science and Technology.CCTV 2,The Road of Health ,The Great Doctor of Shandong TV,interview of Hubei TV,People’s Daily,Science and Technology Daily,Life Times and Healthy News carried relevant reports.


Heartfelt Gratitude for Successful Treatment.

After a long journey of seeking to conceive, we finally welcomed our own child. Her arrival brought immense joy to our entire family. As we gaze upon her sleeping face, each member of the family is filled with happiness. My heart is filled with gratitude, and I am most thankful to Dr. Fenglin Chen. It is Dr. Chen’s miraculous patented technology that cured my recurrent miscarriages, fulfilling my dream of becoming a mother after many years.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Q&A

About 50% to 60% of recurrent miscarriage caused by embryo chromosomal abnormality in the early stage. The primary causes of embryo chromosomal abnormality is because the test result of anti-embryo antibody is positive (>1:64), the environment of uterine cavity is unusual, such as mediastinum, fibroids, polyps and endocrine abnormality; the secondary causes are exposure to ionizing radiation, chemicals, microbial infections and genetics during pregnancy.

Dr. Chen pointed out: It is risky to conceive with uterine fibroids. After pregnancy, uterine fibroids are stimulated by hormones, leading to rapid growth and possible degeneration. Some individuals may experience symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain, and vomiting, affecting overall well-being. Uterine fibroids and the fetus compete for nutrients, potentially hindering the baby’s growth and development. Fibroids can alter the uterine morphology, increasing the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. If uterine fibroids are discovered during pregnancy, they can be removed through 3D laparoscopic surgery to preserve the pregnancy.

Generally, early pregnancy symptoms appear around five to six weeks after conception and typically subside by 12 weeks. These symptoms vary from person to person and can range from mild to severe, including nausea, vomiting, fatigue, abdominal discomfort, frequent urination, and overall weakness. The earliest blood hCG test can be taken about a week after conception, with results available in about 30 minutes. Early pregnancy test strips can be used about a week after a missed period and provide results in a few minutes. For accurate determination of intrauterine and ectopic pregnancy, transvaginal 4D color ultrasound is highly accurate and can be performed around five weeks of pregnancy without the need to hold urine.

IVF technology can help some infertile patients achieve pregnancy, but it is not suitable for all cases. For patients with recurrent fetal abortion, it is necessary to first identify the cause of fetal abortion and take corresponding treatment measures. Not all patients with recurrent fetal abortion are suitable for IVF. Treatment plans should be individually designed based on the specific conditions of each patient to improve the chance of successful pregnancy.

The Mirena coil is a hormonal coil that may disrupt the normal endocrine system. Its use may lead to morphological changes in the endometrium, such as atrophy and necrosis. Some individuals may experience ovulation suppression and may also develop various conditions such as acne and ovarian follicular cysts. While there may be no irregular menstruation or period pain during the use of the hormonal coil, the lesions still persist in place. Some individuals may experience atypical hyperplasia and degeneration. After removal of the hormonal coil, excessive bleeding, abdominal pain, and anemia may occur. Individual manifestations may vary. If adenomyosis is present, it is best to remove the lesions and repair the uterus using 3D laparoscopy.

Dr. Chen points out: severe morning sickness during pregnancy, characterized by frequent nausea and vomiting, makes it impossible to eat and can lead to fluid imbalance and metabolic disorders, with severe cases posing a threat to life. Severe morning sickness is caused by a hypersensitivity to human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in pregnant women, leading many to resort to abortion due to exhaustion and even fear of getting pregnant again! We offer desensitization treatment with immediate and significant results. After treatment, vomiting ceases, and you can eat and drink freely!

Service Standards

Revolutionizing Healthcare: Fenglin Chen’s One-Stop Service Approach

Fenglin Chen advocates for comprehensive care and embraces a patient-centered approach to examination and treatment. This entails completing all examinations on one examination bed and using a single endoscope to treat multiple conditions. Implementing contract treatment ensures accountability for treatment outcomes.



Female Infertility/ Male Infertility
Recurrent Miscarriage


Early Miscarriage/ Late Miscarriage
Minimally Invasive Gynecology


Fibroids/ Adenomyosis/ Endometriosis
Gentle Obstetrics


Hypnobirth/ Waterbirth
  • Common Infertility Issues
  • recurrent miscarriage and prevention
  • gynecological and obstetric problems

Direct to professional services.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us for a detailed consultation. Our team is here to address your inquiries and provide you with the information you need.

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gentle birth

Happy Her, Happy Family!
Our innovative medical technology changes the future of human medical model

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To tell the story of Fenglin Chen’s education, work and life experiences.

Dr. Fenglin Chen

+86 139 1067 3491


China, Beijing

